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Jess te llama: 365 lecturas devocionales para nios ASZI854751

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SKU: ASZI854751 Category:

Devocionales escritas como si Jess hablara directamente al corazn de los nios.

Basado en el libro originalJess te llamaesta versin ha sido adaptada a un lenguaje y formato que har que los nios pequeos y los de edad escolar relacionen los textos con su vida diaria.

Tras varios aos escribiendo en su diario de oraciones, la misionera Sarah Young decidi escuchar a Dios, lpiz en mano y escribir lo que consider que Dios le dictaba a travs de las Escrituras. Otras personas fueron bendecidas cuando les comparti sus escritos y muchos empezaron a usar susdevocionalesen todo el mundo. Son textos escritos desde el punto de vista de Jess, y a ello se debe el ttuloJess te llama. La plegaria ferviente de Sarah es que nuestro Salvador bendiga cada vez ms a los lectores adultos, y ahora tambin a los ms jvenes, con Su presencia y Su paz.

Devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to a child’s heart.

Based on her originalJess te llama, this version has been adapted in a language and fashion that kids and tweens can relate to their everyday lives.

It is Sarahs fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers, and now young readers, with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.

Devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to a child’s heart.

Based on her originalJess te llama, this version has been adapted in a language and fashion that kids and tweens can relate to their everyday lives.

After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down what she believed He was saying to her through Scripture.Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her devotionals. They are written from Jesus point of view, thus the titleJess te llama para nios (Jesus Calling for kids). It is Sarahs fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers, and now young readers, with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.


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